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Get to know Single Gateway (Infographics)

There were series of events about single gateway that happened recently; starting from rumors about the government's plan, the flaming criticism, authorities justification and explanation and then the slacktivism* against the single internet gateway concept. And for those who not yet understand how the single gateway system works and why people are going against it, here we have an easy explanation for you.

On the past Wednesday, 30th September 2015, many activists who are against the single gateway system had attacked various state agency websites which include, the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), CAT Telecom, Ministry of Defense, Government House, Internal Security Operation Command, and Democrat Party. The protest method was simple and not at all complicated. They were all gathered at the specific websites at 10 p.m and simply just refreshed and mass-click on the page. This resulted in a collapse of those particular Thai government agencies' websites. What about you? Do you agree or disagree on this government single gateway proposal? If you disagree and ready to deny this plan, you can just sign up your name here, at

*Slacktivism = actions performed via the Internet in support of a political or social cause but regarded as requiring little time or involvement, e.g., signing an online petition or joining a campaign group on a social media website.

Source: Wikipedia

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